July 28, 2019

Robotic Parenting

“...All parents damage their children. It cannot be helped. Youth, like pristine glass, absorbs the prints of its handlers. Some parents smudge, others crack, a few shatter childhoods completely into jagged little pieces, beyond repair...”
- Mitch Albom -
Samuel Hayes-Rodriguez and E
While trying to reduce my BBW's load from couple years ago, I started to read another middle-grade series to lose the tension from previous reading session. Well, dystopia and thriller are not dealing well with your emotion on daily basis, so I have to read other genres. HOUSE OF ROBOTS by cross-genres author James Patterson came to my binge-reading time. And gladly, I finished three books of this series, feeling a bit warmth, sadness, even a bit anger. Why?

HOUSE OF ROBOTS is a series of a nice lil boy named Samuel Hayes-Rodriguez. Sammy -his nickname- has a high tech prof mother-Elizabeth Hayes and a super creative manga artist-Noah Rodriguez. Sammy also has a sister, Maddie Hayes-Rodriguez, who suffers from Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (SCID), an inherited disease that worsens the immune system. Maddie couldn't go out from her room, she's vulnerable and practically would have fatal condition due to minor infections. Brilliant Liz Hayes build many robots for taking care every daily basis of housekeeping function and keep Maddie safe.

July 21, 2019

War is Power

“...Many of the Nazis were convicted after the war, but they were not convicted for being 'unreasonable'. They were convicted for being gruesome murderers...”
- Jostein Gaarder -
Courtesy: gizmodo.com
Mari kita melipir ke sejarah sejenak. Bacaan saya bulan ini memang sedang melipir ke topik-topik menarik di luar zona nyaman.

Ingat Perang Dunia II yang berlangsung dari tahun 1939-1945? Perang Dunia II ini menjadi pertarungan besar-besaran tanpa ampun antara blok Axis (Jerman-Italia-Jepang-Hungaria-Rumania-Bulgaria) melawan blok Sekutu/Allies (Amerika Serikat, Inggris, Prancis, USSR, Australia, Belgia, Brazil, Kanada, China, Denmark, Yunani, Belanda, Selandia Baru, Norwegia, Polandia, Afrika Selatan, Yugoslavia). Perang Dunia II resmi berakhir tahun 1945 dengan kemenangan pihak Sekutu, sekaligus menjadi kesempatan emas terwujudnya kemerdekaan NKRI.

Tapi, pernah membayangkan kalau blok Axis yang menang?

July 15, 2019

Anomali Topografis dan Otoritas Kelinci

“...This was what most people wanted: to be close to but not part of. They didn't want the fearful unknown of a 'pristine wilderness.' They didn't want a soulless artificial life, either...”
- Jeff Vandermeer -

Saya terkadang heran dengan diri sendiri, sudah jelas pening, kenapa masih juga dibaca. But yeah, you know already, I'm having some kind of curiosity about multiple weird things. Hal ini terjadi pada sebuah seri fiksi ilmiah tak biasa berjudul SOUTHERN REACH TRILOGY-2: AUTHORITY (OTORITAS). Seri ini sudah dipilemkan buku pertamanya yang berjudul ANNIHILATION (PEMUSNAHAN) dan ditayangkan di Netflix. Buku pertama juga sudah saya baca tahun lalu (di sini curhatannya), dan menyisakan kepeningan dan tanda tanya tak berkesudahan.

Nah, sudah dapat jawaban di AUTHORITY?

July 10, 2019

Beban si Perahu Kecil

“...consciousness is a perfectly normal property of matter, like mass or anbaric charge; that there is a field of consciousness which pervades the entire universe, and which makes itself apparent most fully – we believe – in human beings...”
- Philip Pullman -

picture from: Barnes & Noble

Sekitar kurang lebih satu dekade lalu, saya menuntaskan sebuah seri yang multilapis dengan penuh perenungan. Benak saya yang awam merasa terkaget-kaget dengan kisah pelik dalam seri tersebut. Seri berjudul HIS DARK MATERIALS yang terdiri dari tiga buku: THE GOLDEN COMPASS (KOMPAS EMAS), THE SUBTLE KNIFE (PISAU GAIB), dan THE AMBER SPYGLASS (TEROPONG CAHAYA) -- berhasil membuat saya terperangah dengan kedalaman aspek filosofis-fiksi ilmiah-teologis yang berhasil dituangkan oleh Philip Pullman dengan amat brilian dalam sudut pandang seorang anak perempuan bernama Lyra Belacqua. HIS DARK MATERIALS menjadi novel fantasi highly recommended yang akan dengan senang hati saya gembar-gemborkan pada khalayak penikmat novel fantasi - atau pun yang butuh bacaan tidak biasa.

Kemudian di penghujung tahun 2017, setelah hampir 22 tahun berselang dari penerbitan kisah ini di negara asalnya, THE BOOK OF DUST: LA BELLE SAUVAGE muncul. Buku pertama dari trilogi yang direncanakan ini hadir menyodorkan excitement bagi para pembaca setia HIS DARK MATERIALS. Seperti apakah kisahnya kali ini? Apakah kita akan bersua lagi dengan tokoh-tokoh yang kita kenal baik?

The Long Conversation With You

  “The worst part of holding the memories is not the pain. It's the loneliness of it..." - Lois Lowry Hi Mas, it's been a while...